Get In-depth Restoration With a DMK Facial

If you’ve been having skin problems that you just can’t seem to get ahead of, DMK facial treatment can give you the comprehensive revitalization that you have been looking for.

DMK was founded by Danné Montague-King, he created the brand off the back of his pursuit to cure his own acne and it’s and international brand, available in over 30 countries. Guided by the motto: Remove, Rebuild, Protect, Maintain, DMK is addressing all skin types and conditions.

DMK signature Enzyme Therapy is a unique facial designed to address skin concerns and to restore the skin in it’s peak functioning condition (osmosis). Why enzymes and how does it work?

“Enzymes are living substances that regulate health and work with certain minerals in the body to form a natural system of antioxidants that fight corrosive free radicals. Properly formulated, they can remove dead protein, toxins and other effluvia from the epidermis using a process called 'reverse osmosis”

DMK doesn’t work on the surface of the skin to address conditions. It works at a much deeper cellular level to treat the imbalance!

Get In-depth With a DMK Facial - the experience.

A DMK facial is a very different experience than your regular facials. As opposed to being relaxing and calming (though some parts are) it’s oriented in correcting skin conditions, so it tends to have a more medical side.

The treatment starts like a regular facial, but you soon realize that there is much more to it. One of my favorite things is the different types of professional exfoliation offered, followed by a pre-treatment! Each facial is customized to address the clients concerns, rather than following some predetermined steps.

The star is the Enzyme Masque, a unique formulation that has become famous as the Games of Throne Facial (due to the fact that when it hardens, you look a bit like a white walker.

Here is a short video that explains how this unique formulation of messenger enzymes works. It’s only 3 minutes but worth watching it all.

How does it feel?

  • the masque hardens and tightens progressively and you will feel it

  • there is a slight pulse effect due to the increase activity in your surface capillaries -plasmatic effect.

  • by the end the masque might crack a bit if you move your facial muscle.

Benefits outweigh the small discomfort:

  • it’s for everyone: acne, rosacea, hyper pigmentation, fine lines & wrinkles, fragile capillaries, sensitive and reactive skin

  • hydrolyzes dead, redundant cell build up

  • clears cells debris - including toxins, oxidized waste, lipofuscin and free radicals.

  • increases oxygenation (true oxygen therapy), boosting cell metabolism and immune functions

  • enhances enzymatic activity within the cell

  • increases collagen production

  • enhances optimal skin function

Whether you are looking to heal damaged skin or you want to restore a deep and lasting luster, this is the facial you want.

When you come in for a DMK, you’ll be getting expert care. This treatment delivers in-depth care to your skin. By treating you to a multi-stage facial over several appointments, we are able to restore the deepest layers of your skin and fully bring out your healthy glow.


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